Thursday, February 14, 2008

Adventures in Budapest

The first thing we did in Budapest was jump off a moving train.

The second thing we did in Budapest was realize we shouldn't have jumped off the moving train.

Our visit to Hungary was off to an interesting start: realizing that we were at the wrong train station on the outskirts of Buda at 11pm, with no local currency, and no signs in English.

Amazingly, we found an ATM, we found a bus stop, and the first guy we spoke to in Budapest had perfect English and an intricate knowledge of the bus system. Soon we were at our quirky hostel in downtown Pest and chatting with the international travelers in our dorm.

Budapest is cold but beautiful with photogenic views everywhere. Now we're going to grab a couple cafes before heading up to Castle Hill in Buda for our second day of sightseeing. More later when there isn't a line for the internet and there isn't so much to see & do!

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