Saturday, February 2, 2008

Krakow for the young & young at heart

I'm writing from a computer that has a floppy drive (not a good sign) but is running Linux (slowly). We're at the "Bling Bling" Hostel, which name aside is in a great location for a great price. The reverse schedules of the serious travelers vs serious partiers is also very apparent here, and the clientel seems to be about 50/50 in that regard.

We arrived in Krakow yesterday and spent the day wandering Old Town, a mix of medieval architecture and history and a bustling cafe/club scene. Swarms of university students zoomed around Europe's largest market square, especially after dark, and people-watching was nearly as enjoyable as some of the attactions. Today we spent a sobering day at Auschwitz & Birkenau (Oswiecim, in the local tongue), where the Nazis systematically murdered 1.5 million men, women, & children.

Pictures will probably do a better job explaining the city & our short time in Poland than I will. That is, if this clunker can actually manage to upload them...nope, can't get it recognize my USB jump drive. There's a polite, subtle line for this sole tortoise of a computer, so I'll have to wait for another chance to mess around with it.

Tomorrow we're packing the day full of interesting Krakow sights, followed by the night train to Prague. Expect a long update / photos in a day or two!


Linnea said...

What a fun city! It would be temping to never go to sleep... I’m excited for the pictures and curious to hear more about what remains of Auschwitz. Your posts are so artfully written! :)

jdanner said...

EVERYTHING she writes is ALWAYS artful. Its a little ridiculous...