Friday, February 8, 2008


Hello from Olomouc ("ollah-moats") in western Moravia! A couple of nights ago we wanted to get out of Prague and see more of the Czech Republic, and so here we are in this small gem of a city. There's a surprising amount to do in this university town of a 100,000, and we enjoyed our time and the people here. Last night we saw an awesome Czech jazz band called 123Minut in a sold-old show at a local club/restaurant. We managed to squeeze in, seated on the floor in front of the stage, which is how I snapped this shot of the lead guitarist helping out the bassist on a four-hand bass solo. Nice.

In the morning we're catching the train to Bratislava, which we're told won't hold our attention for long. Tomorrow we'll either sleep in Bratislava or Vienna, just an hour by train away from each other.

Now, before I get some much needed shut eye, a few pictures:

Here's the scratchings of bored 19th century tourists in the loft of the marvelous St. Nicolas Church in Prague.

So, you think the astronomical clock in Prague is so great? Well Olomouc has one too! Only, it was destroyed by the Nazis and rebuild by the Soviets. So now it has added bonus features like figures of idealized peasants and important Communist birthdays marked on it!

Caught in the action, photographing the city of Prague from outside the old and wonderful Strahov Monastery Library.

Brian, off-roading Movarian style :-)
We rented bicycles and took a picnic from Olomouc to a nearby lake with swans, coots, and mallards. Apparently there's also nudist beach on the lake... although thankfully not when it's 37*F outside.


Linnea said...

These pictures are fabulous. In the one of you in front of the city, it looks like the background is a painting. Maybe because the rooftops are such a vibrant red?

jdanner said...

Yea, that one in front of the city is bomb!